We are small but mighty.

The story began on a Wednesday while making lemonade out of lemons.

Hi. I’m Hannah. And spoiler alert: We’re about to become best friends.

I’m a firm believer in squeezing every bit of joy out of life. And who says that can’t apply to a profession? Business shouldn’t be something we have to do, it should be something we get to do.

Personally, I never wanted to be a business owner. Great place for me to be, right? I always found satisfaction in being part of a bigger picture. That was, until I realized that I had more to offer than what the big picture allowed.

There are loads of companies out there with solid foundations, great brands and wonderful employees that I would be lucky to work for. But instead of limiting myself to serving one single organization, I’m spreading my talents around like confetti.

I’m ready to dive in headfirst and help your organization become the best it can be.

With over 14 years of corporate experience, I am fulfilling the needs of my clients with flexibility and honesty. Being a human version of a swiss army knife has served me well and my clients reap the benefit.

Growing up in the 90s, they tell you that you can do anything - I just decided to do everything. My toolbox has some wild talents in it and I tap into every crevice of my skillset to deliver my very best to my clients.

If you’re looking for my career dissertation, here’s my LinkedIn. You’ll see everything from that time where I used to be a rock station radio DJ to the year where I sold COVID testing services to Netflix.

If you want to know how my skills are applicable to your goals, I’d love to have coffee. Hit me up.

The Crew

  • Hannah Shore


  • Samantha Witt


  • Hannah Erickson


  • Amy Faulkner